Archive for March 30th, 2011

Sample Showcase Boxes – Free

The “Sample Showcase,” to be distributed nationally on a limited basis as well as in larger quantities to consumers in Charlotte, NC, and Pittsburgh, is a box of assorted beauty, health and snack food items from multiple consumer packaged goods companies. The boxes will be branded with the Postal Service logo and include the tagline, “A selection of free product samples.””
By providing your email address you are signing up for the Sample Showcase mailing list so we can keep you informed of future Sample Showcases. We will also be sending you an email invitation to tell us what you thought of this Sample Showcase a few weeks after you receive the box.
You are part of an exclusive group and one of the first people to receive the Sample Showcase box, a new product sampling idea brought to you by the US Postal Service. The Sample Showcase will be arriving in early May — we hope you like it!
If you’ve signed up previously check your inboxes; the signup for the next round of freebies has begun or join now & hope to get in on the next sample box -release date is in 5 days (4/3)